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In an era where data transcends borders with the same fluidity as capital, international companies are often caught in a complex web of data protection laws. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and the UK GDPR 2018 stand out for their stringent requirements and broad reach. Article 27 of both regulations is a cornerstone provision that requires international companies to appoint a gdpr article 27 representative within the respective territories. This article shows how important it is to comply with GDPR Article 27, the potential fines for non-compliance, and the need to update privacy notices accordingly.


Understanding Article 27 of the EU and UK GDPR

Article 27 mandates that organisations not based in the EU or the UK but which process their residents’ data must appoint a local representative within the respective region. This representative acts as a point of contact for supervisory authorities and data subjects, facilitating a critical line of communication.

The requirement is not merely procedural; it reflects the GDPR’s commitment to ensuring that data subjects can exercise their rights without jurisdictional hindrances. It also provides a clear avenue for regulatory bodies to pursue inquiries or actions against entities processing their citizens’ data.


The Cost of Non-Compliance: Fines and Penalties

The penalties for ignoring this mandate are substantial. Under the EU GDPR, companies can be fined up to €10 million or 2% of their annual worldwide turnover, whichever is higher. The UK GDPR prescribes a similar scale of fines, serving as a stark warning that non-compliance carries a significant financial risk.

It is not just the financial penalties that should concern companies but also the reputational damage. In an age where data privacy is a consumer priority, failing to adhere to GDPR requirements can erode trust and deter potential clients.


Privacy Notices: The Window into Compliance

Updating privacy notices to reflect the contact information of the appointed representative is not just a legal formality—it is an exercise in transparency. Privacy notices serve as a declaration of how an organization values and protects personal data. They must be clear, accessible, and informative, ensuring that data subjects know whom to contact regarding their personal data.


Conclusion: The Proactive Path Forward

Compliance with GDPR Article 27 is not optional for international companies—it is an essential aspect of lawful data processing activities within the EU and the UK. By appointing a representative and updating privacy notices, companies align with legal mandates and demonstrate their commitment to data protection and respect for individual rights.

In a globalised economy, navigating international data privacy laws is as crucial as any other aspect of international business. Article 27 represents a critical step in this journey, and its importance cannot be overstated. Compliance should be seen not as a hurdle but as an opportunity to build stronger, trust-based relationships with customers, enhancing corporate reputation and ensuring a smoother pathway to global operations.

International companies must heed the call of GDPR Article 27—it is a call to action for those who value the sanctity of personal data and the rights of individuals. The path to compliance is clear, and the time to act is now. Let us move forward with a commitment to transparency, accountability, and respect for privacy that upholds the highest standards of global data protection.

By appointing both  UK and EU representatives with Formiti qualifies for a 50% reduction for the 2nd representative service.