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In the digital age, data has become an invaluable asset. Consequently, the threat landscape has expanded, with hackers constantly seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in various systems. A growing concern is malicious actors’ attraction to targeting third-party data processors and subprocessors. This article examines the reasons behind hackers’ interest in these entities and highlights the alarming oversight in third-party due diligence audits carried out by data controllers, which undermines the integrity of data processing contracts.

1. The Allure of Third-Party Data Processors

Third-party data processors and subprocessors play a pivotal role in today’s interconnected data ecosystem. These entities handle vast amounts of sensitive information on behalf of data controllers, including personal, financial, and corporate data. This makes them an attractive target for hackers for several reasons:

1.1. Access to Valuable Data: Hackers recognise that compromising a third-party data processor can grant them access to a treasure trove of data without directly targeting the primary data controller. This data can be exploited for financial gain, identity theft, corporate espionage, or even sold on the dark web.

1.2. Weaker Links: Cybercriminals often perceive third parties as the weak link in the data protection chain. These entities might not have the same level of cybersecurity infrastructure as data controllers, making them more susceptible to attacks.

1.3. Broad Attack Surface: By breaching a single third-party data processor, hackers can potentially gain access to multiple clients’ data, exponentially increasing the impact of the attack. This “one-to-many” compromise strategy is highly attractive to cybercriminals.

2. Data Controller’s Due Diligence Failures

Despite the evident risks posed by third-party data processors, data controllers frequently fall short in conducting comprehensive due diligence audits. These failures significantly undermine the effectiveness of data processing contracts and put both customer trust and regulatory compliance at risk.

2.1. Inadequate Risk Assessment: Data controllers often fail to accurately assess the potential risks associated with their chosen third-party data processors. Many focus solely on cost efficiency and technical capabilities, ignoring the critical aspect of cybersecurity preparedness.

2.2. Lack of Continuous Monitoring: A one-time due diligence assessment is insufficient to address the dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats. Data controllers should continuously monitor third-party entities to ensure ongoing compliance with security protocols.

2.3. Insufficient Contractual Stipulations: Data processing contracts should include explicit clauses that outline cybersecurity requirements, incident response protocols, and liability distribution in the event of a breach. However, many contracts lack these essential elements, leaving data controllers vulnerable.

2.4. Blind Trust: Data controllers often place excessive trust in their third-party partners without thoroughly verifying their cybersecurity measures. This unwarranted trust can lead to devastating consequences in the event of a breach.

3. The Ripple Effect of Inadequate Due Diligence

The repercussions of data controllers’ lax approach to third-party due diligence are far-reaching:

3.1. Regulatory Non-Compliance: Many data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), hold data controllers accountable for breaches involving their third-party processors. Neglecting due diligence can result in severe regulatory penalties.

3.2. Erosion of Customer Trust: Data breaches can inflict lasting damage to a company’s reputation. Customers may lose trust in a data controller that fails to adequately protect their personal information, leading to a decline in customer loyalty and potential business loss.

3.3. Financial Fallout: Data breaches can result in substantial financial losses, encompassing legal fees, regulatory fines, remediation costs, and potential lawsuits from affected individuals.


The increased targeting of third-party data processors by hackers underscores the urgency for data controllers to adopt a more diligent approach. Comprehensive due diligence audits are paramount in mitigating risks and maintaining the integrity of data processing contracts. Failing to do so not only exposes data controllers to regulatory penalties and financial losses but also jeopardizes the security and trust of the individuals whose data they are entrusted to protect. In the era of ever-evolving cyber threats, a proactive and continuous commitment to cybersecurity is an absolute necessity.