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In an era dominated by digital interactions and data exchange, the protection of personal data and privacy has become a pressing concern. India’s response to this challenge is the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, a comprehensive legal framework designed to safeguard individual rights and regulate the responsible handling of personal data. Central to this legislation are the data principle rights, which grant individuals greater control over their data and empower them to make informed decisions about its use.

Right to Access Information about Personal Data

One of the fundamental data principle rights granted by the Act is the “Right to Access.” Under this provision, individuals, referred to as Data Principals, have the right to obtain certain information from the entities responsible for processing their personal data, known as Data Fiduciaries. Upon request, a Data Fiduciary is required to provide the following information to the Data Principal:

  1. Summary of Personal Data and Processing Activities: The Act mandates that Data Fiduciaries furnish a summary of the personal data being processed and provide details about the associated processing activities.
  2. Identity of Data Fiduciaries and Data Processors: Data Principals have the right to know the identities of all other Data Fiduciaries and Data Processors with whom their personal data has been shared. This includes a description of the shared personal data.
  3. Additional Information: The Act allows Data Principals to request any other information related to their personal data and its processing as prescribed by law.

Right to Correction, Completion, Updating, and Erasure

The Act also grants Data Principals the “Right to Correction, Completion, Updating, and Erasure” of their personal data. This right recognizes the importance of accurate and up-to-date information. Data Fiduciaries are obligated to take the following actions upon receiving a request from a Data Principal:

  1. Correction of Inaccurate or Misleading Data: If the personal data held by a Data Fiduciary is inaccurate or misleading, they must correct it promptly.
  2. Completion of Incomplete Data: In cases where personal data is incomplete, Data Fiduciaries are required to complete the missing information.
  3. Updating Personal Data: Data Fiduciaries must update personal data to reflect the most current and accurate information.
  4. Erasure of Personal Data: Upon request, Data Fiduciaries are obligated to erase personal data unless its retention is necessary for specific purposes or compliance with relevant laws.

Rights of Grievance Redressal and Nomination

To ensure a smooth process for addressing grievances and safeguarding rights, the Act grants Data Principals additional rights:

  1. Grievance Redressal: Data Principals have the right to readily available means of grievance redressal provided by Data Fiduciaries or Consent Managers. If a Data Fiduciary or Consent Manager fails to address grievances, the Data Principal can approach the appropriate authority, the Board.
  2. Nomination: Data Principals have the right to nominate another individual to exercise their data rights in the event of their death or incapacity. This provision ensures continuity of data control even in unforeseen circumstances.

In conclusion, the India Digital Personal Data Protection Act’s data principle rights represent a significant step towards enhancing individual control and privacy in the digital age. By granting rights related to access, correction, erasure, and grievance redressal, the Act establishes a framework that places individuals at the center of data protection efforts, ultimately fostering a more responsible and respectful approach to data processing.

Find out how Formiti provides DPDPA services. here