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South Korea PIPA vs The GDPR: A Comparative Analysis by Formiti Data International Ltd

South Korea PIPA vs The GDPR: A Comparative Analysis by Formiti Data International Ltd

Introduction The global landscape of data privacy laws is diverse, with regulations varying significantly across jurisdictions. A prime example is the comparison between South Korea’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the European Union’s...
Thailand PDPC Tightens PDPA Enforcement: A Signal for Companies to Step Up Compliance

Thailand PDPC Tightens PDPA Enforcement: A Signal for Companies to Step Up Compliance

Introduction The period of leniency in enforcing Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) has concluded. Recent actions by the Personal Data Protection Committee (PDPC) have indicated a decisive shift towards stringent enforcement of the PDPA. This change...
Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: Comparing The Vietnam PDPD Vs. EU GDPR

Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: Comparing The Vietnam PDPD Vs. EU GDPR

Introduction In an era of data-driven decision-making, understanding the nuances of various data protection laws is crucial for businesses operating globally. The introduction of Vietnam’s Personal Data Protection Decree (PDPD) has added a new dimension to this...
Liability Clauses: Navigating Data Processor Contracts

Liability Clauses: Navigating Data Processor Contracts

Introduction Mastering Liability Clauses: Navigating Data Processor Contracts In the complex realm of data management, the contracts established between data controllers and data processors are crucial. At the heart of these contracts lie the liability clauses, which...