Developing an effective Progressive Privacy Program is a complex task that involves numerous stakeholders across various teams, including product design, engineering, data science, marketing, sales, customer service, legal, HR, procurement, and finance. To...
Under the Thailand (PDPA) in Thailand, PDPA controller and processor are required to implement technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the personal data they process. The following areas are a good starting point in creating a data protection...
Carrying out a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is a process that helps Data Controllers and Data Processors identify, mitigate and minimize privacy risks associated with the high-risk processing of personal data. Here are the steps to carry out a DPIA:...
The Thailand PDPA is nearing its first anniversary and many organisations and International Schools will be presented with their renewal quotes for Outsourced DPO and other PDPA Services. Preparing and carrying out due dilligence can enhance your service and could...
Organisations understand the need to innovate and safeguard the personal and confidential data of their customers, employees, and business partners. Ensuring privacy and security through every phase of the data lifecycle (e.g., collection, use, retention, storage,...