Introduction In the digital cosmos where data is the new gold, its protection has become paramount. The year 2024 has brought a startling revelation to the forefront: an estimated 90% of all data breach incidents will be Employee-Involved Data Breaches marking a...
Introduction API (Application Programming Interface) technology has emerged as a cornerstone for data interaction and transfer in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. However, with its widespread adoption comes a heightened risk of data breaches, particularly...
Introduction In 2023, India made a substantial move to strengthen its citizens’ data privacy rights by introducing the Data Protection and Digital Privacy Act (India DPDP Act). This law, similar to the European Union’s GDPR and California’s CCPA,...
Introduction In an era dominated by digital information, protecting personal data has never been more critical. Among the fundamental principles of data protection, the principle of storage limitation plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals’...
Introduction The Philippines Data Protection Act (PDPA), also known as Republic Act No. 10173, is pivotal in safeguarding personal and sensitive data within the Philippines. Compliance with the PDPA is vital for organisations, but it comes with challenges,...