Introduction In a monumental move, the California State Legislature has passed Senate Bill 362, aptly dubbed the “DELETE Act.” This groundbreaking legislation is poised to transform the data privacy landscape in California by providing consumers...
In today’s interconnected world, businesses constantly handle vast amounts of data. With the proliferation of digital transactions and the increasing importance of data in decision-making, it has become crucial for organisations to protect this invaluable asset....
Introduction In a significant development for data privacy in the United States, the California Data Protection Agency (CDPA) has just released a draft of regulations concerning CPRA Risk Assessments and Cybersecurity Audits for the California Consumer Privacy...
Introduction: The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) is a comprehensive privacy law that was enacted in November 2020 and went into effect on January 1, 2023. Here are five steps to help you achieve compliance with the CPRA: Step One: Understand the scope of the...